Monday, August 22, 2005


My wife is asleep as I type this. I hope you can read this as I am typing lightly so as not to wake her. We are at a nice resort with a water view. I can see the tub. Since she is asleep, I have nothing really to do. I suppose I could read a book. But instead, I am online posting to this blog. Sometimes I eat when I'm bored. A friend of mine used to say, "I'm bored like a 2x4". Get it? They have an honor bar here for bored people to eat from. It's $1.50 for a little bag of chips. For $3.00 they have chocolate bars. Is it worth the price? The closest convenience store is down the road a bit. That means I'd have to get dressed, walk down to the car and drive. That could take 20 minutes round trip. Plus it will burn some gas. But I never buy from the honor bar. It seems like such a ripoff. Maybe I should type louder and wake her. I think I'll bang on the keyboard. lknrsgAGNasGJadbNban. Hmm. Still asleep. Maybe I'll turn on the TV and see if something of value is on. Hey! Elimidate! Gotta go.